i have been prompted to install internet ex 7 and it's slowed me right down. Is anyone else having this problem? And is there anything i can do?
IE 7 problem?windows nt
You can go back to IE6
To uninstall Internet Explorer 7 to return to Internet Explorer 6 on Windows XP
Click "Start," and then click "Control Panel."
Click "Add or Remove Programs."
Check "Show Updates" at the top of the dialog box.
Scroll down the list and highlight the version of Internet Explorer 7 that you are running, and then click "Change/Remove."
Uninstall that,restart your PC and you are on IE6
IE 7 problem?windows 95 internet explorer
Software wise... Uninstall IE 7 update go back to IE 6
No, its not slowing my computer down. But it has not been debugged completely, so some are facing problems.
Your computer is newly aquainted with the program. In a few days, your computer will regain speed. Try deleting some files and programs that you no longer use. That would help speed things up.
Yes I had problems so uninstalled it and went back to 6. I'll wait till they iron out the teething problems first.
i noticed the same but cleared up after a while and am back up to speed .guess it had to adjust . plus alot of updates i would not have with 6.
Get rid of it.
I had the same problem and went back to IE6 and will wait until the bugs are sorted out. Suggest you uninstall for now.
Clean up your computer (Disk cleanup) ,refresh drives (Retart the computer and just before windows load, press F5 and turn on on to windows XP in safe mode; then restart again normally),
step up your RAM above 256.
Eventually, you'll need upgrading to IE.7
Get rid of it - too many bugs yet
yes! it is so slow at displaying web pages - thats if it does it at all. I also keep getting a message that there is no internet connection. It then says work offline or try again.It does it quite alot on yahoo videos. Does anyone else have these message
pop ups? and how can I get rid of it ?
Ah yes that delightful Microsoft habit of insisting you up grade and then things slow down and break on you so you have to buy new stuff. Best bet uninstall, and re-install ie 6 if you are still slow, scan for virus and spywear, delete all cookies and off line content. Then defrag your disk. If that doesn't work try speed disk utilities, and if that fails, backup all important data, format the drive and start again.
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