Sunday, November 29, 2009

Recently ive gone from using firefox back to IE have i made the right choice?

i was told that firefox is better but i was having hassles with sites not working properly that i never had any problem IE

Recently ive gone from using firefox back to IE have i made the right choice?windows server 2003

Firefox has less security holes, however, if you regularly use windows update and enable the windows firewall or some other firewall like those available in many cable modem/router combo gateways or other internet routers then your computer will be fairly secure.

Using antivirus software such as McAffee or Norton Antivirus combined with scanning with anti-malware application such as (AdAware or Ewido anti-malware) is recommended. I never get a virus and run Ewido on top of McAffee AV behind my router firewall. I have the windows firewall disabled (it is unneccessary under these conditions).

Good luck. Find yourself some freeware AV software and use AdAware regularly for the lowest cost solution to securing your browsing activity.

Recently ive gone from using firefox back to IE have i made the right choice?windows xp service internet explorer

I did the same! Firefox let me down BIGTIME!!! I've gone back to I.E. (accepting that most worms are targeted for it) and just keep my antivius updated and scanning always. I haven't had problems in a year.

With Firefox, about every 10 days, I'd have to "fix it" somehow...too frustrating!
I did the exact same thing because many sites would not open. I had a very hard time updating on Microsoft's website also without IE. You can have both but I would stick with one or the other. I like IE 7 beta, its fancy and different.
hmmmm.. i've never had problems with FireFox, I love it! I do know that some pages display differently through firefox, but it's never been a real problem for me.
There's nothing wrong with it. Both are designed to assist in Web Browsing. We users have the choice on what to use and what not to. =) I am using IE myself.
I am using firefox right now and have for a long time. I have no problems. The customizble themes, tabbed browsing, extensions. Plus, knowing that most bugs are aimed at IE and that if there is a problem Mozilla is right on top of it and sends the update right to you, makes it far superior to IE. Even IE7. By the time IE7 catches up to firefox, they will come up with something new that will take microsoft another 2 years to catch on to. ie. tabbed browing.
Yes if you like IE more then its the right choice. Those hassles you had are there because firefox is more secure. So to make those things work that didnt, you have to enable them.For example i couldnt play videos on sites on firefox but once i got its plugin it started working. I think you should use whatever you like. Theres no right or wrong. Just depends on one's choice.

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